Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9 [Day 49] (Cliff Hansen). The temperature was -11C at 0800 but rose to a high of 4C between 1300 and 1600 and was still 2.5C at 1700. Ground winds were calm to light SW to 1000 after which they were SW 5-10 km/h with a maximum gust of 35 km/h at 1700, while ridge winds were moderate SW to 1300 after which they became strong with a maximum gust of 155 km/h at 1600. Cloud cover was 10% cumulus, altostratus and lenticular to 1300 after which it increased to 20-30% cumulus and lenticular until 1600 when it again increased to 60% with an altostratus arch forming east of the Fisher Range. The western ridges were 10% obscured at 1400 and by 1700 they were 40% obscured, but observing conditions in the afternoon were generally good as all birds moved high above the Fisher Range to the east. There was a reasonably strong raptor movement for November with 24 birds migrating between 1214 and 1613, which is the the second highest count for the month so far. The flight comprised 4 Bald Eagles (2a,1j,1u), 1 light morph Rough-legged Hawk, 18 Golden Eagles (14a,1sa,1j,2u) and 1 Prairie Falcon. Finches continued to move including 100 Common Redpolls, 1 Pine Siskin and 100+ undifferentiated small finches.

9.5 hours (538.69) BAEA 4 (132), RLHA 1 (40), GOEA 18 (3448), PRFA 1 (2) TOTAL 24 (3868)


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