Friday, October 28, 2011

October 26 [Day 35] (Cliff Hansen, assisted by Kevin Barker) The high temperature was 4C between 1200 and 1600 from a morning low of -4C, and it was -1C at 1830. ground winds were SW all day initially 5-15 km/h and then 20-25 km/h after 1000, while ridge winds were strong SW and occasionally WSW gusting to 88 km/h in the morning and 142 km/h at 1600. Cloud cover was 40-50% cirrus to 1100 after which 90-100% Chinook Arch cloud (altostratus, lenticular and cirrus) developed that persisted for the rest of the day. The western ridges started to cloud over at 1300 and from 1700 to the end of the day they were 50% obscured, but the east remained clear. It was a disappointing day with only 11 raptors counted between 0855 and 1755 with a best hourly count of only 3 Golden Eagles between 1700 and 1800. The total of 8 Golden Eagles (4a,1sa,3u) was the lowest since the main movement started on October 10, and the only other migrants seen were a juvenile Cooper's Hawk, the season's second Gyrfalcon (a dark bird at 1117) and a distant unidentified raptor. Other bird species were also scarce but included 2 fairly late male Mountain Bluebirds in the Hay Meadow, a Townsend's Solitaire and a probable Harris's Sparrow.

10.75 hours (405.36) COHA 1 (31), GOEA 8 (3214), GYRF 1 (2), UU 1 (2) TOTAL 11 (3557)


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