September 27 [Day 8] (George Halmazna) The temperature was 11C at 066 and fell to a low of 8.5C at 0900 before rising to a high of 13.5 C at 1400 and it was still 12C at 1800. Ground winds were initially calm and were then variable SW to SE gusting to 30 km/h before becoming mainly calm again after 1500. Ridge winds were mainly strong SW-SSW all day, gusting to 150 km/h until 1300, after which the became moderate to strong gusting to between 36 and 107 km/h. Cloud cover was 100% stratus, cumulus and cumulonimbus all day with rain and showers occurring throughout the day and wet snow falling at higher elevations to the south and west. Ridges were periodically obscured and peaks to the north mainly disappeared into cloud after 1630. Not surprisingly only 3 migrant raptors, 1 adult Bald Eagle and 2 unaged Sharp-shinned Hawks, were counted between 1049 and 1308. Three female or juvenile Harlequin Ducks were seen on the river, and the weather encouraged the southward movement of 2 Common Loons, 77 Pine Siskins, 15 juvenile Barn Swallows and 133 American Robins.
12 hours (98.99) BAEA 1 (7), SSHA 2 (23) TOTAL 3 (83)
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